Airwaves – Art Show
An art exhibit inspired by the radio.
The City will begin cleanup of the Majestic bricks covering the sidewalk. KUHS gave them a head start tonight.
KUHS Tower Erection!
The Merch is Rolling In
Oh Yea. There they are. Come out to the next rad event and get yourself a KUHS Sticker! Put it on your car, put it on your Mom, put one on your friend! They are shiny, they are sticky, they say KUHS 97.9 FM. We like them a lot and we hope you do too!
So There was this tower…
Friends of friends of friends of Legends. There was a guy, a Legend if you will, who shall remain nameless. He moved on to other things and KUHS was granted this Legends tower.
So a few of our guys, who shall remain nameless, traveled to the Legends home where the tower still stood. With some luck, love and rope these nameless men and women dismantled said tower, section by massive section until the tower was no more.
That was today. Tomorrow, the tower will be resurected and split the sky like a sheet once again.
Thank you Legend. Thank you.
Custom Built Monitors
This is all coming together like some magical plot from a super rad episode of The A-Team. Thanks to this super rad dude from ASMSA we now have some totally tricked out custom built monitors for the station. I think these things can fly, I think they can cure stuff, I think they look sweet! So natural, so smooth, so custom.
Bill Currier, Dean of Students at the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts with his custom studio monitors. This guy is rad.
The solar panels arrived yesterday! We are all very excited to get these babies installed and producing energy. One step closer to Solar Powered Community Radio for Hot Springs!

We Did It!
It turns out that solar powered community radio is bad ass!
You want it and we’re going to deliver! With 106 backers we totaled just over $10,000! This is going to go such a long long way!
Thank you!
I’d like to keep going on and on about how awesome this truly is, but I need to get back to work!

KUHS 102.5 FM
240 Ouachita Ave.
Hot Springs, AR 71901
Request Line: 501.627.0711